Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Think about the shape of the filament

You might be surprised to learn how many great inventions are the result of fortuitous accidents. For example: Thomas Edison accidentally invented the light bulb while trying to create an electric chair for worms.

Epilogue: To this day, nobody has been able to invent a worm electric chair. Worms convicted of capital crimes are hanged, like common savages. Like that of all great inventions, the story of the lightbulb is bittersweet.


SC said...

can we get just one Vali's View that isn't about killing/hurting people/worms?

v.DANGER said...
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v.DANGER said...


Is it so wrong that I make the reader think? Are worms on death row not deserving of the same benefits of people on death row? For the past several decades, America has screamed "no!" with her silence. Well guess what? The silence has been broken.

Anonymous said...
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NBS said...

i think this one of those classic vali views posts, where vali is clearly wrong but, true to his word, still controversial

Unknown said...

In Mexico they just throw them in a bottle of tequila